Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Planning - My Role

For this project my group (Kirsten, Millie and I) have decided that I would be lead editor, since I will not be able to be present during filming (the locations we need are in Buckden and I have no way to travel there). We also thought this decision would be the best because I am the most comfortable and familiar with the mechanics/how to use our editing software Adobe Elements, whereas the others find it confusing and difficult to use.

Here is evidence of this discussion via Facebook Chat:

Friday, 16 December 2016

Planning - Film Trailer Music (Updated 18th Jan)

Whilst looking for appropriate music for my thriller film trailer, I decided to search for it within the YouTube Audio Library. By doing so I managed to find three soundtracks that seemed suitable.

Soundtrack 1 - "High Tension"

Although this track effectively has an intense, urgent tone/atmosphere that is needed for a thriller trailer, my partners Millie and Kirsten stated that they had already used it before in their AS film. Therefore in order to have a distinct difference between our current project and our past ones, we decided it would be best to not use it again.

Soundtrack 2 - "Echoes of Time v2"

This track has a very haunting, intimidating feel to it and is slow paced, which is why we chose to use it during the first half of our film trailer (since most thriller trailers have a slow buildup at the beginning). The opening scenes are our main character Detective Maria Jones trying to encourage information out of the murder survivor (who is unresponsive due to the fact that she is having flashbacks to her escape from the killer's clutches, which are shown as the Detective questions her), this track accurately portrays the dark, mysterious nature of our film and will hopefully draw the audience's attention.

Soundtrack 3 - "Extinction Level Event"

This music will play during the last half of our film, as it is more fast paced and will work perfectly alongside the quick cuts that we plan to have towards the middle and end of our trailer. It will also increase the anticipation of our audience.

//Update: 18th January// Soundtrack 4 - "Letting Go" by Nicolai Heidlas

Found by Kirsten, this track is fast paced however it is also very sombre/sad. We may use this in our trailer during the scene where the crime scene is shown/announced to emphasise the tragedy.

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Planning - Film Trailer Props - Case Research

This is the case research our MC created 10 years prior to our film trailer's timeline. This will be used in the scene where our main character is going over her old notes/files from when she previously investigated the family murders that are central to our film trailer's plot.

Planning - Film Trailer Props - Killer Silhouette

This is an image of what our MC suspects the killer looks like (height measurements are also present but were cut off in the photo). This will be used in the scene where our main character is going over her old notes/files from when she previously investigated the family murders that are central to our film trailer's plot.

Planning - Film Trailer Props - Coroner Reports

These are the coroner reports for our killer's previous victims. These will be used in the scene where our main character is going over her old notes/files from when she previously investigated the family murders that are central to our film trailer's plot.

Monday, 5 December 2016

Planning - Film Trailer Prop List

·      Phones and Cameras for group of people during interview @ crime scene

·      Crime Scene Tape

·      Notepad + Camera for journalist character

·      Numbered crime scene cards (which can simply be made using paper)

·      Plain Blankets for ‘bodies’  X4

·      Microphones