Friday, 27 January 2017

Planning - Editing Checklist

In order to make our film trailer as realistic as possible our group decided to create a checklist of all the trailer conventions we saw based from an actual thriller trailer we watched (which would be Nightcrawler and several others).

Friday, 20 January 2017

Planning - Script

Maria Jones: Kayleigh can you tell us what you remember?

Detective: What happened?

Maria Jones: You can tell us

Detective: Kayleigh? Kayleigh?

Kayleigh: …They’re all dead

*Police sirens*

News report: Last night, at 11:36 December 5th an entire family were murdered in their home in Cambridgeshire, only one survivor remains. The Police are linking the murders as they appear to be identical to the ones from 10 years ago, but Detective Maria Jones appeals to anyone who has any extra information to come forward immediately.

*Overlapping questions*

Journalist: I’m Peter Stone and I’m a journalist, I just wanted to ask some questions about the family murder.

Detective Jones: I’m not releasing any information.

Journalist: You may have imprisoned the wrong man, I need a story and you need to keep a good reputation…we can help each other.

Jessica Woods: This country depends on us, they need to feel safe. We’re right back where we started.

Maria: The suspect always leaves one survivor so they’re left alone with the loss and trauma…he feeds off knowing the devastation they’ve caused

Prisoner: I’ve been left here to rot for 10 years! You kept me from my family!

Peter: I think I can figure out who he’s going kill next

Kayleigh: I don’t know if I can live without my family any longer…

Maria: You’re out of your depth! This is my job not yours!

Peter: You’re just intimidated that I might be able to actually solve this case because you’re incapable without my help!

Voice message from killer: Hello Maria, I’ve been watching you, your career will be ruined unless you catch me this time. Time is ticking… Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock (continue saying this)

Monday, 16 January 2017

Planning - Shot List

Establishing Shots

Example -


Example -

Extreme Close-ups

Example -


Example -

Friday, 13 January 2017

Planning - Storyboard (detailed first scene)

A redraw of the opening scene in our trailer to better demonstrate the range of shots we will include (E.g. extreme closeup, midshot and over the shoulder)

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Planning - Filming Permission (Updated 25th Jan)

In order to be able to film our 'prison' scene in St Neots Museum, we needed to get permission from the curator. Therefore Kirsten chose to be the one to contact them and here is their response:

//Update: 25th January// St Neots Museum sent an additional email, which included them requesting permission to have our trailer on their Facebook page once it was completed.

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Planning - Costumes

Detective Maria Jones:

- Long Trench Coat (a stereotype for detectives in thrillers)

- Either black trousers or skirt (smart/business-like clothing to emphasise her authority)

Inspiration -

 Emily Blunt from The Girl on the Train

Peter Stone:

 - White dress shirt and black pants (smart/casual clothing, a stereotype of journalists in thrillers)

Inspiration -

 Jake Gyllenhaal from Zodiac


Casual clothing

Monday, 9 January 2017

Planning - Settings/Locations

Main Locations/Settings Required:

Small Office (for the scenes where our main character Maria is talking to the survivor and for when Peter Stone is going over the old files on the family murders) - We plan to use one of the small office rooms in E block at Longsands Academy

Prison Cell (for when they interrogate the prisoner who was mistaken for the family killer) - We will use the prison area in St Neots Museum

Crime Scene/Victim's House - We plan to use Millie's house for this location

2nd House for future victims (for the scene where the murderer is seen creeping up on another family) - We possibly may use Kirsten's house for this location

Woods (for the scene where the survivor is running from the killer) - We may use the woods near Millie's house in Buckden

Planning - Storyboard

In the storyboard it shows our initial ideas/a basic outline of how we plan to arrange the key scenes of our film trailer (E.g. introducing the characters, the characters meeting one another as well as establishing the plot)

More scenes/details are included in our script.

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Planning - Film Trailer Props - Family Photos

 (This is a map of Cambridgeshire, to represent that this is where all the murders take place)

These are 'photos' of the previous family victims that were killed 10 years prior to our film's current timeline/plot. They will be used in the scene where our character Peter Stone is looking over the old casefiles of our killer, which he acquired from the main character Maria Jones.

Planning - Group Chats (Updated 27th Jan)

Evidence of my group and I organising filming:

//Update: 27th January//  More evidence of organising filming:

Me showing the others photos I took which I believed could be used for our magazine covers:

Thursday, 5 January 2017

Planning - Characters

Peter Stone (played by Ollie Wyatt) - A rookie journalist who wants to uncover the truth about the family murders. He is young, eager and intelligent. Despite being underestimated and distrusted by the Detective, he manages to convince her to reopen the case and becomes her partner.

Detective Maria Jones (played by Jo Caress) - The main lead of the film. Is a seasoned detective who is very independent and incredibly determined to solve the murders. While initially she and Peter Stone do not get along (due to the fact that he was doing his own investigation on her case, causing her to become irritated) they eventually grow to trust one another.

Mason Carter (played by Chris Andreassen) - An innocent man whom was falsely accused of being the film's family murderer, he has a grudge against Maria for ruining his life by sending him to prison.

Murderer - The film’s antagonist. Is cold, calculating and ruthless. The main theme of his murders is that he always leaves one survivor (since he targets families) so that they can suffer from survivor’s guilt for the rest of their lives. He likes to taunt and torment Maria by bringing up the fact that she failed to apprehend him 10 years prior and is aware of how she is trying to catch him again now.

Kayleigh (played by Alissa King-Underwood) A young girl who was left alive by the film's main antagonist, manages to escape his clutches in order to contact the police. She is deeply traumatised by this event, to a point where she is barely able to speak and suffers from flashbacks.