Saturday, 18 February 2017

Evaluation Task 4 - New Media Technologies

For this project I have used a range of different new media technologies during the research, planning and editing stages of creating my film trailer. These technologies are:
  • Messenger (through phones)
  • Facebook Chat
  • Email
  • YouTube
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Adobe Photoshop
Social Media

Messenger, Facebook and Email were used to communicate with the members of my group; whether it be us sending each other stuff (E.g. photos to use for our magazine covers/film posters) or scheduling filming.


YouTube was used to get our music, which we ended up finding in the YouTube Audio Library. It was also where we watched official film trailers for inspiration and is the site where we uploaded our own trailer to when it was finished.

Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe Premiere Pro is the program we use to edit our trailer. To use it we import clips of our film onto the program and then we proceed to drag them onto a timeline. We have the option to cut our clips to make them shorter as well as add effects/transitions onto them.

The main transitions I used for both the audio and video were the 'Exponential Fade' (which made the music fade away instead of just end abruptly), 'Cross Dissolve' (which made a video clip fade into the one after it), 'Dip to Black' and 'Dip to White' (which made a clip fade into the respective colours).
- Example of a Cross Dissolve
- Example of a Dip to Black
- Example of a Dip to White

The main tools I used on Premiere Pro were the Razor Tool (which allowed me to cut footage) and the Pointer Tool (which let me move footage around, extend it etc.).

Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop is the program I used to make my film magazine cover and film poster, the main tools I used were the lasso and smudge/blur tool. I also used a variety of different fonts and layer blending options (E.g. Overlay).

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