Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Evaluation Task 2 - Main Product and Ancillary Texts

Voiceover Script:

1) What common elements are in your 3 texts?

The common elements in my 3 texts are that there is a large focus on the male protagonist of my trailer, as well as the use of low key/dull lighting.

2) Which character(s) did you use to feature in your texts?

I chose to feature the male protagonist Peter Stone in order to gain the attention of the male audience. He wears a white dress shirt and black blazer to look professional which also makes him appear older than he actually is (which is early 20s).

3) Are there any relationships suggested?

There are no relationships suggested in my ancillary texts however in my trailer it is suggested that there is a rivalry and developing partnership between the two main leads.

4) Which narrative(s) did you include in my print texts?

The narrative I used in my print texts are the idea that a 'truth' being discovered (with my poster tagline being 'The truth will be found' and for my magazine cover it is 'World's most anticipated film yet?', suggesting that something major and important is going to be exposed.

5) How did these attract my audience?

This narrative attracted my audience because I created suspense and a mystery for them to want to be solved.

6) Which film genre conventions did you emphasise in your print texts?

Aside from emphasising the idea of an unsolved 'mystery' within my print texts, the other genre conventions I used were the low key lighting and use of the colour red (which is always used to connote danger or urgency).

7) Which of these (colour, fonts, themes, words) show synergy between your texts?

The colours I used (red and white) and my fonts show synergy because they are similar to one another and also show continuity between each of my texts.

8) Which effects did you use? How do they link with your film?

The effects I used for my film trailer were fade to blacks and whites and for my print texts I used altered saturations such as low brightness, drop and inners shadows and inner and outer glows. These effects link in with my film because they can all be considered as generic thriller conventions, since dull colours and shadows are very common within the thriller genre.

9) How does any institutional information (production company, certificate, schedule) link with your film?

My production company Siberian Studios links with my film because Siberian huskies are considered to be very intelligent and can be predators to small creatures. This somewhat represents the personality of my film's main character Maria Jones, because she is also very intelligent and can come across as rather intimidating to those around her.

10) Evaluate the effectiveness of your campaign

Overall I believe my campaign was fairly effective because the majority of the feedback I have received on both my trailer and my print texts have been positive.

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